
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Musik Reggae
Di Sini Ada Sedikit Musik Reggae Yang Enak Untuk Didengarkan...
Kalo Minat Silahkan Download Dari Sini....
gak pekek bayar (hehehe)...

Tony Q - Rastafara

DontWorryU...Yeah.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Peace With Love.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Rastafara-PatGulipat.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

ParisVanJava.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Rastafara-SebatangRokok.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Ngayogjokarto.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Rambut_Gimbal.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Yangterulang.mp3 Untuk Download Klik

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

bob marley quote's

Robert “Bob” Nesta Marley, Popularly known as Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 and lived till May 11, 1981 when he died in Miami florida at an early age of 36. He died of Camcer. He was a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and famously an activist who wanted to change the world by singing. He is the most widely known performer of reggae music. Bob Marley is regarded by many as a prophet of the Rastafari movement.
Marley’s most popular somgs include “No Woman, No Cry”, “Could You Be Loved”, “Jammin’”, and “One Love”. His album Legend (1984) is the best-selling reggae album ever, with sales of more than 12 million copies.
Being an activist, and a lyricists, he left behind many famous quotes. Listed here is a compilation of the most famous Bob Marley Quotes:
“Bob Marley isn’t my name. I don’t even know my name yet. ”
~ Bob Marley
” Do you have a record contract? I have a recording agreement. What’s the difference? One is an agreement and one is a contract! I am a man who deals by ear”
Bob Marley
“If you get down and quarell everyday, you’re saying prayers to the devil, I say. ”
“Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction. ”
“I’ve been here before and will come again, but I’m not going this trip through ”
“If you get down and quarell everyday, you’re saying prayers to the devil, I say. ”
” My music fights against the system that teaches to live and die. ”
“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living? ”
“Rastafari not a culture, it’s a reality. ”
“One good thing about music, when it hits- you feel no pain ”
” Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold”
“I don’t stand for the black man’s side, I don’ t stand for the white man’s side.I stand for God’s side. ”
” I have got a running stream of love you see. So no matter what stages.. they put us through, we’ll never be blue”
” in the abundance of water, the fool is thirsty”
“Man is a universe within himself. ”
” In this bright future you can’t forget your past.”
” Hey mister music, sure sounds good to me I can’t refuse it what to be got to be ”
“The more people smoke herb, the more Babylon fall. ”
~ Bob Marley on Grass :)
“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold. “
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ras muhammad indonesia's rastafari

Ras Muhamad – Indonesia’s Rastafari Ambassador – By African Lion!

ras muhamad
ras muhamad
Ras Muhamad – Indonesia’s Rastafari Ambassador – By Lion! In Indonesia- new voices are emerging, trying to influence the masses in their daily struggle to make meaning of life…
One such voice is Ras Muhamad, a young reggae singer.
Ras Muhamad is a young lion shaping his own destiny in Southeast Asia.
He was born in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, but was raised in the New York borough of Queens US in the early 1990s, before returning home four years ago.
He sighted Rastafari while still in high school and has remained steadfast ever since.
He leans towards the dance-hall school of reggea music.
ras muhamad
ras muhamad
Things are shaping up for Ras Muhamad as his awards and accolades have been pouring in the since the last year.
He was chosen by Rolling Stone magazine Indonesia as Best New Reggae Artist in 2008.
His song Musik Reggae Ini (This Reggae Music) was nominated for an AMI Award – Indonesia’s biggest music award in the same 2008. ..
His songs are often a critic of the socio-political culture.
He decries the lack of care and love in society in new his song Crisis.
He consistently calls for equal rights and justice for one and all.
“It seems like the richest of the rich, they just look after themselves and they never reach out to the poor, they never help the underprivileged,” he says.
He says however that it is for both groups to try to change things.
“The rich can’t stay by themselves they have to reach out, and the poor, they can’t just say, ‘I’m poor, ok and well that’s it, can’t do anything about it’, you know.”
Rastafari Inspiration
Ras Muhamad has certainly become one of Rastafari’s most familiar faces in Indonesia. He is the leading musical ambassador for reggae in South East Asia.
He is internationally renowned and has worked with a slew of musicians from across the globe.
His inspiration comes from influences like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. Reggae music suits his voice and style, and is the perfect tool for him to convey a message.
He hails Emperor Haile Selassie I and looks up to the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, the founder of the Non-Aligned-Movement.

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

reggae indonesia

Musik reggae Indonesia telah bangkit. Hal ini ditandai munculnya musisi-musisi reggae yang ikut meramaikan industri musik Indonesia yang dari jaman ke jaman powered by Pop music. Banyaknya media-media yang mengangkat tema tentang perkembangan musik reggae di Indonesia belakangan ini juga merupakan sebuah indikasi “the uprising of Indonesia reggae music” telah dimulai. Kita mengenal Mas Tony Q Rastafara, Steven and Coconut Trees, Souljah, Ras Muhammad, Pasukan Lima Jari, UpRising, Gangstarasta, Joni Agung and Double T sebagai “reggae musicians” yang turut meramaikan jagad musik reggae tanah air. Kabar gembira buat kita semua karena kita tidak lagi harus susah payah untuk bisa mendengarkan sebuah alunan musik reggae. Sekarang sudah banyak radio station yang sesekali memutarkan musik reggaa, bahkan berkali-kali. :)

Tahun 2003 kita gempar dengan musik Punk, Melodic (atau Mellowdic?) yang ditandai dengan “hijrah” nya Superman Is Dead ke Sony BMG recods juga Endank Soekamti yang makin Enndaaang… kemudian setahun berikutnya kita gempar dengan musik “New Wave” ala The Upstair dan dengan mudah menemukan anak2 Putih ABu-abu (baca: SMA) dan Biru Putih (baca: SMP) berdandan seperti Jimmy The Upstairs, lalu distorsi gitar dengan sound 70′an menandai booming-nya musik Rock N Roll and Garage. Sayangnya kita lebih banyak disuguhi penampilan-penampilan “flashback” tanpa sedikit mengurangi rasa apresiasi terhadap musik mereka dan juga tidak bermaksud mengatakan kreativitas mereka mundur ke belakang namun gw lebih bangga jika muncul The Donnas – The Donnas Indonesia. Jreng-jreng…
Kembali pada judul pembahasan, gw berharap ini akan jadi sebuah “signal” bagi para major labels untuk lebih mengapresiasi musik reggae. Untuk lebih meng-komersial-kan – tanpa membuat si artis jadi “sapi perahan”, budak kapitalis. Kita semua (khususnya reggae lovers) tentu ingin menyaksikan musisi-musisi reggae tanah air bisa on air di station TV swasta, muncul dalam acara2 komersil, acara-acara live music, jadi guest di acara2 MTV, dapet tempat di program2 MTV “tanpa menganggap musik Pop yang selama ini banyak mendominasi acara-acara TV sbg musik yang membosankan”.
Marilah kita rayakan kebangkitan musik reggae tanah air dengan menyanyi bersama-sama;
Mentari Pagi beri salam lagi
Suara burung kusambut hari berganti
Bob Marley masih bernyanyi
Don’t worry… uuu..yeeeeaaaccchhhh
Jalani semua dengan apa adanya
Biarlah waktu bicara bawa takdirnya
Yuk.. kita lapangkan dada
Don’t worry… uuu..yeeeeaaaccchhhh
Buatlah hidup ini semudah mungkin
Gak perlu disesali bikin saja happy
Mengalir nikmati jangan beban dihati
yuk kita nyanyi bersama….
Don’t worry… uuuuyeeeeeaaaccchhhhh
Don’t worry… uuuuyeeeeeaaaccchhhhh

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

semoga kau tersenyum disana

buat alm. Eki.. trimakasih qm tlah dtng di mimpi q.... ga tau knp.... tumben mimpi qm..... hehehe q cm bs doain qm semoga qm tenang dan bahagia di sisiNYA, dan tetaplah tersenyum ,,,, miss u friend...

Senin, 12 Juli 2010


Dazed And Confused (1993 Film)lately... i feld confuse i dont know why,,,, maybe i've no money... hehehe but that false,,,, or till now im a single hah so what,,,, just made easier

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Nigth to horor.. Like as halowen day.. Hehe wacth tv chanel test u'r adrenaline.. U will be feld fear cz now gost beside u.. Hiii.. :-S